One hundred people of watching team walk into PingXiang Chengpin Technology

On the sunny afternoon of November 5th, 2020, Secretary of the Municipal Committee, Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Committee, Mayor of the city led the city's "Five-year New Leap" 100-person observation group to inspect "Pingxiang Chengpin Technology Co., LTD." The company's corporate culture, lean production mode, business philosophy, technology research and development team, automatic workshop manufacturing and the company's future development plan were fully affirmed and praised, and the future development of Chengpin Technology placed deep hope.

The chairman and general manager of Chengpin Technology and all the staff warmly received the leading observation group at 3:30 p.m. Our manager introduced the current work situation, the latest research and development achievements, the future development direction and five-year plan of Chengpin Technology.The City leaders praise again and again after listening our introduction, and said the future development of Chengpin high affirmation, believe that Chengpin technology will go further.


Post time: Nov-05-2020